Probate Assistance Services

We will guide you in the preparation of all the necessary documents needed for the application of probate.

We will also share with you the role of an Executor / Administrator so that you can manage the estate with peace of mind.

What is a Probate?

Probate is a necessary process of application for the release of assets to the beneficiaries, which have been frozen upon the death of our loved ones.
The process of probate is common in the Commonwealth countries and the main purpose of the probate process is to ensure that:

  • The estate has been transferred to proper beneficiaries.
  • Minor interest is safeguarded.

It is the role of an Executor / Administrator to ensure that the estate is managed properly and that legal documents are filed as required by law.
When there is a Will, your family member will need to apply for a Grant of Probate and when there is no Will, a Letter of Administration is needed.

Only upon obtaining this document from the court, then those frozen assets can be released.

The whole process for a simple estate will take between 3 to 6 months to complete while a more complex estate can take more than a year to complete. In view of the technicalities involved which can be mounting for a lay person, we have carefully crafted this service to meet such needs and our aim is to obtain the grant within 4 months time.

✔️  S$2,500.00 for application of Grant of Probate or Letter of           Administration

✔️  Price does not include lawyer’s fee and court’s fee which is less than S$800.00.


  • An experienced and professional Probate Manager will be assigned to work closely with you throughout the process.
  • Be updated on the progress of your application for the Grant of Probate on a regular basis.
  • A clear pricing structure with no hidden cost.
  • Time saving as we would guide you on what needs to be done.
  • You will be free from most of the legal hassles.
  • You will be able to spend more quality time with your family.
  • Peace of mind.

Probate Assistance Services

We will guide you in the preparation of all the necessary documents needed for the application of probate.

Living Will

This document will take effect when you are mentally unsound of which can occurred

Will Custody Services

Should you choose not to have your Will kept at home, we do provide Will safe keeping services
